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Años 2000 a 2005

62 Villarroel, M., Tupac-Yupanqui, I., Nicodemus, N., Rico, M., Cañón, J., Menoyo, D., Alvariño, M., Dunner, S. 2005. Differential gene expression in tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L., 1758) under feeding stress. Boletín. Instituto Español de Oceanografía, 21: 261-270.
61 García, D., Corral, N., Cañón, J., 2005. Combining inter- and intrapopulation information with the Weitzman approach to diversity conservation. Journal of Heredity, 96:704-712.
60 Schulz, U., Minguez, Y., Checa, M.L., Garcia-Atance, P., Dunner, S., Garcia, D., Cañón, J., 2005. The Majorero camel (Camelus dromedarius) breed. Animal Genetic Resources Information, 36: 61-72.
59 Sardon, D. Fuente, I. de la, Calonge, E., Perez-Alenza, M.D., Castaño, M., Dunner, S., Peña, L., 2005. H-ras Immunohistochemical Expression and Molecular Analysis of Urinary Bladder Lesions in Grazing Adult Cattle Exposed to Bracken Fern. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 132: 195-201.
58 Tupac-Yupanqui, I., Baro, J.A., Dunner, S., 2004. Effects of DGAT1 alleles on milk and components traits in Spanish Holstein breed. Archivos de Zootecnia, 53: 293-299.
57 Miretti, M.M., Dunner, S., Naves, M., Contel, E.P., Ferro, J.A., 2004. Predominant African-derived mtDNA in Caribbean and Brazilian creole cattle is also found in Spanish cattle (Bos taurus). Journal of Heredity, 95: 450-453.
56 Aguirre, E.; Sainz, A.; Dunner, S.; Amusategui, I.; Lopez, L.; Rodriguez-Franco, F.; Luaces, I.; Cortes, O.; Tesouro, M.A. 2004. First isolation and molecular characterization of Ehrlichia canis in Spain. Veterinary Parasitology, 125: 365-372.
55 Fernandez, C., Barroso, A., Cañon, J., Dunner, S., 2004. Myostatin dominant negative allele products interact positively with wild type monomers. Animal Biotechnology, 15: 133-143.
54 Wiener, P., Burton , D., Ajmone-Marsan, P, Dunner, S., Mommens, G., Nijman I., Valentini, A., Zaragoza P., WilliamsJ.L., 2003. Signatures of selection? Patterns of microsatellite diversity on a chromosome containing a selected locus. Heredity, 90: 350-358.
53 Beja-Pereira, A., Alexandrino, P., Bessa, I., Carretero, Y., Dunner, S., Ferrand, N., Jordana, J., Laloe, D., Moazami-Goudarzi,K., Sanchez A., Cañon, J., 2003. Genetic characterization of South Western European bovine breeds: an historical and biogeographical reassessment with a set of 16 microsatellites. Journal of Heredity, 94: 243-250.
52 Carleos, C. , Baro, J.A., Corral, N., Cañon, J., 2003. Asymptotic variances of QTL estimators with selective DNA pooling. Journal of Heredity, 94: 175-179.
51 Jordana J., Alexandrino P., Beja-Pereira A., Bessa I., Cañon J., Carretero Y., Dunner S., Laloë D., Moazami-Goudarzi K., Sanchez A., Ferran N., 2003. Genetic structure of eighteen local south european beef cattle breeds by comparative F-statistics analysis. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 120: 73-87.
50 Gutierrez, J.P., Altarriba, J., Diaz, C., Quintanilla, R., Cañón, J., Piedrafita, J., 2003. Pedigree analysis of eight Spanish beef cattle breeds. Genetics Selection and Evolution, 35: 43-63.
49 Dunner, S., Miranda, M.E., Amigues, Y., Cañon, J., Georges, M., Hanset, R., Williams, J., Ménissier, F., 2003. Haplotype diversity of the myostatin gene among beef cattle breeds Genetics Selection and Evolution, 35: 103-118.
48 Parra, D., Dolf, G., Dunner, S., 2003. Contribution of a new set of canine microsatellites to the knowledge of the canine genetic map. Animal Genetics, 34: 69-70.
47 Miranda, M.E., Amigues, Y., Boscher, M. Y., Ménissier, F., Cortés, O., Dunner, S., 2002. Simultaneous genotyping to detect myostatin gene polymorphism in beef cattle breeds. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 119: 361-366.
46 Checa, M.L., Dunner, S., Cañón, J., 2002. Prediction of X and Y chromosome content in bovine sperm by using DNA pools through capillary electrophoresis. Theriogenology, 58: 1579-1586.
45 García, D., Cañon, J., Dunner, S., 2002. Genetic location of inheritable traits through association studies: A review. Current Genomics, 3: 188-200.
44 García, D., Parra, D., Carleos, C., Cañón, J., 2002. Sib-parentage testing using molecular markers when parents are unknown. Animal Genetics, 33: 364-371.
43 Miranda, M. E., Ménissier, F., Cañon, J., Vallejo, M., Boscher, M.Y., Dunner. S., 2002. Myostatin gene polymorphism and double muscling expression in cattle breeds: preliminary results. Proc. of the 7 th World Cong. Genet. Appl. Liv.. Vol. XXXIII, pp 67-70
42 Silva, B., Gonzalo, A., Cañón. J., 2002. Genetic parameters of behavioural traits in the bovine (Bos taurus). Proc. of the 7 th World Cong. Genet. Appl. Liv.. Vol. XXXII, pp 83-86.
41 Baro, J. A., Carleos, C., Cañón, J., .2002. Genetic trends and economic trait loci in asturiana beef cattle. Proc. of the 7 th World Cong. Genet. Appl. Liv. Vol. XXXII, pp 267-270.
40 García, D., Corral, N., Cañon, J., 2002. Furhter developments on weitzman’s approach to assess conservation of genetic diversity. Proc. of the 7 th World Cong. Genet. Appl. Liv. Vol. XXXIII, pp 561-564.
39 Carleos, C. , Corral, N., Baro, J.A., Cañon, J., 2002. Enhanced precision for QTL-marker parameter estimation with selective DNA pooling. Proc. of the 7 th World Cong. Genet. Appl. Liv. Vol. XXXII, pp 617-620.
38 Lingaas, F., Aarskaug, T., Gerlach, J.A., Juneja, R.K., Fredholm, M., Sampson, J., Suter, N., Holmes, N.G., Binns, M.M., Ryder, E.J., Van Haeringen, W.A., Venta, P.J., Brouillette, J.A., Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, V., Wilton, A.N., Bredbacka, P., Koskinen, M., Dunner, S., Parra, D., Schmutz, S., Schelling, P., Schläpfer, J., Dolf, G. 2001. A canine linkage map: 39 linkage groups. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 118: 3-19.
37 Baro, J.A., Carleos, C., Corral, N., López, T., Cañón, J. 2001. Power analysis of QTL detection in half-sib families using selective DNA pooling. Genetics Selection and Evolution, 33: 231-248.
36 Barroso, A., Dunner, S., Cañon, J., 2001. Aplicaciones de las técnicas de genética molecular para el estudio del polimorfismo genético de las proteínas lácteas de los rumiantes domésticos (Aplications of molecular genetic techniques for the study of genetic polymorphism of milk proteins in domestic ruminants: a review). ITEA, 97: 11-28.
35 Cañon, J., Alexandrino, P., Bessa, I, Carleos, C, Carretero, Y, Dunner,S., Ferran, N, Garcia, D., Jordana, J., Laloë, D., Pereira, A., Sanchez, A., Moazami-Goudarzi, K., 2001. Genetic diversity measures of local European beef cattle breeds for conservation purposes. Genetics Selection and Evolution 33: 311-332.
34 Cañon, J., Checa, M.L., Carleos, C., Vega-Pla, J.L., Vallejo, M., Dunner, S. 2000. The genetic structure of Spanish Celtic horse breeds inferred from microsatellite data. Animal Genetics, 31: 39-48.
33 Dunner, S., Royo, L., Cañon, J. 2000. Genetic structure in Atlantic Iberian brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) populations: evidence from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analysis. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 117: 105-120.

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